Wednesday Night Bible Study
The spring session of Bible Study has now successfully concluded
​An autumn 8 week season will commence on September 25th, 2024, and will meet at the church, every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm-7:30pm, till Nov 13th. We will study and discuss the Letter of James.
​Please sign up and register today by contacting the church office at info@firstpresbyterian.ca

Every generation in the church worries, rightly, about people who just glide along, seeming to enjoy what they hear in church but without it making any real difference.
James faced exactly the same problem in the very first generation.
So it's not surprising that translating belief into action--making sure faith is the real thing--is near the heart of his message.
That kind of faith, he explains, is the faith that matters, the faith that justifies, the faith that saves. We need that kind of faith today.
These nine studies on James's passionate letter will help you live out a faith that makes a difference.